Contendor ENG
Shop - Roaster
Luis Antúnez 18, 08006 Barcelona
From 13.50 €
Bukonzo Dream is a natural process coffee grown between 1400 and 2000 m.a.s.l. in the Rwenzori Mountains of Uganda by between 300 and 500 small producers. This lot has been processed and exported by Agri Evolve, an agro-indus- trial company with a social purpose that since 2016 has been supporting coffee farmers in the region with resources, training and access to markets. Its work not only improves coffee quality, but also increases the producers’ income and promotes sustainable agricultural practices.
Aeropress with reusable metal filter
16,5g coffee / 220ml water a 91-92º /
32 Comandante clicks
We put coffee and add 30 grams of water for the pre-infusion. Wait 30 seconds.
Add water up to 220 grams or milliliters.
Do not stir.
Place the previously heated metal filter.
We invert and extract for a maximum of 2 minutes.
We serve.
Rwenzori mountains,
Agri Evolve
SL14 - SL28 - Nyasaland
1400 - 2000 m